if you're looking for a review of aig direct,you've come to the right place, coming up. so aig direct is basicallythe marketing for matrix direct. matrix direct is a call center thatbasically takes in calls and gives quotes. the only problem is thataig direct is owned by american general, which is a great life insurancecompany. however, when you call aig direct, they're only goingto quote you american general life insurance quotes. what's the problem with that? they may nothave the best quote for you. while american general is a great companyand we work with them
for a lot of our clients, we're also veryoftentimes able to beat their prices in certain situations. so dependingon your age, depending on your health, depending on thetype of policy that you're looking for, there are many times that youcan get better prices than what aig direct and american general lifeinsurance offers. also, if you're dealing with a preexistingcondition, you want to make sure that you're working with the right company.while aig direct or american general will be great for some situations,they may not be great for other situations. so while americangeneral is a great life
insurance company and we work with americangeneral, going to aig direct is not your best option because you'reonly going to get one quote from one company. you're not going tobe able to compare the marketplace. you're also going to speak with a call centerrep, who you're not going to have a long-term relationship with.at chooseterm.com, you get to work with me. i'm the founder of thecompany, and you get to have a relationship. you get to have an expertthat you work with that's been in the industry and can help youfind the best rates.
that's going to be there to answer your calls,work with you, and get you the best rates, and also be there afterthe sale. when you have questions, when you want to know what's thestatus of the policy, when you have a question a year down the road,you're getting someone that has experience that's been in the industryand not working with a call center. if you're looking for a life insurance quoteand you're looking to get a review of aig direct, well i will tell you,you can get a quote with aig direct, but then you can also get a quotewith all the other
companies. come to us, chooseterm.com, orclick the link below, or give us a call and we'll be able to get youa comparison of aig direct, american general's quote, along with30 other companies to make sure that we're giving you the best possiblerates specifically for you. thank you.