i need your advice. i’ve been reading abunch of articles and can’t decide. should i root my phone? well, there are a number of advantages torooting your phone. you’ll be able to install apps for apple or microsoft on an androidphone. you could install apps that your carrier has blocked after rooting the phone. you can remove default applications you don’tlike. you’ll gain the ability to modify the hardware and drivers. for example, youcould overclock the phone so that it runs better, instead of having to upgrade to asmarter smart-phone or get by longer with a dumb phone.
and you can block ads on every app on yourphone, something the carriers don’t want you to be able to do. you can upgrade theos when you want, not when the carrier wants – and the carrier may say you can’t getthe latest os without upgrading your phone or your data plan. by gaining the ability to turn off apps andcontrol background functions, you could reduce power draw on your phone, extending its batterylife. but - but? rooting sounds good so far. why thenwouldn’t i root my phone? however, you are taking a few risks. such as?
rooting your phone could void its warranty.altering root level files could mess up the operating system, causing it to constantlyreboot or fail to start up. this is called bricking your phone. if youhave malicious software on your phone that is limited by the restrictions to the administrativefile folders, it now has access to everything on the device. all said and done, should i root my phone? if you’re aware of the risks and willingto take them, yes. after all, it is your phone. how do i minimize the risk of bricking myphone? i waited way to long in line to get it to want to have to spend another weekendwaiting to get the next one.
just back up everything first, including rootfiles. install anti-malware software on the phone and scan it before you root the phone.you may want to research how to reboot the phone, if that becomes necessary. track the changes you make, from installingnew software to remove default apps. you may have to restore files to get the phone towork. or have a friend on hand with a stock rom to use to restore the phone. you’d be in essence restoring it to lockedcondition, with all the old software. but then the phone would work.