this is jeff rose, certified financial planner.if you're a healthy individual like myself then getting cheap term insurance is rathereasy and very, very, very affordable. if you qualify as a high-risk individual then gettinghigh-risk life insurance might be more difficult and much more expensive. what does high risk insurance really mean?if you consider yourself to live an adventurous life style, then you may qualify as a high-riskindividual. what do we classify as adventurous? think of the skydivers, the base jumpers,the bungee jumpers, the race car drivers, the crocodile wrestlers. these are the typeof individuals i would classify as a high-risk individual and are therefore classified high-risklife insurance.
if you're not crocodile dundee or the crocodilehunter then there could be some other conditions that would classify you as being a high-riskindividual. a lot of these could be certain medical conditions. some of these medicalconditions consist of bipolar disease, high cholesterol, or if you're taking high cholesterolmedication, or if you have high blood pressure. other conditions like this can classify asbeing higher risk and therefore you'd have to get high-risk life insurance. what's the most important thing to considerwhen purchasing high risk life insurance? the most important thing is understandingyour condition and also understanding which carriers are going to cater to your condition.for example, if you go out and use any general
life insurance company, then you might notget quoted, you might not get rated, or you may be paying way too much, more than youabsolutely need to. it's important to work with an insurance professional that knowswhich carrier is going to be best for your situation. that's what i do. i try to makesure that we put you with the best carrier. i want to understand what your situation isand your high-risk condition to make sure we partner you with the best insurance carrier. if you have any more questions regarding high-risklife insurance, feel free to use the contact form on my site or you can give me a calldirect. this is jeff rose, certified financial planner. see you soon.
the opinions voiced in this material are forgeneral information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendationsfor any individual. to determine which investment(s) may be appropriate for you, consult your financialadvisor prior to investing.