rooting an android device is always greatbut it can also be harmful to your android phone or tablet, hey guys it's me joshytekand today i am discussing if it's worth rooting your android device. if you don't know what rooting is it basicallygives you more features that you can tweak on your android device. rooting can allowyou to overclock your processor which can make your phone faster, rooting can also allowyou to install roms like cyanogenmod or paranoid. before you do all of that you need a customrecovery like teamwin recovery which can allow you to install roms. you can find teamwinrecovery on the web to download. roms like cyanogenmod have root access built into itwhich can be a big plus to users as they don't
have to use their computer to root their phones.another thing you can do with rooting is you can uninstall system apps built into yourphone. this can improve performance and battery life. there is a two ways that you can root yourandroid device. there is rooting with a computer which you will have to install software onto your computer to allow you to root your phone by plugging a micro usb cable into yourcomputer. the second way of rooting is by apps like king root. king root is an app whichwill allow you to root your android device without a computer, but beware this app isnot stable and it may not work for your phone. all in all i think rooting is safe, that'sif you know what you are doing. i do think
rooting your android device is more saferthan jailbreaking your iphone but if i were to root my android device i would root myolder phone or second phone first and if that all goes to plan i would root my current device,but at the minute i won't root my device. you can get phones like the one plus one whichhas cyanogenmod built into the device. you can also get the wileyfox phones which havecyanogenmod os built in to all of their phones which costs less then the oneplus one. ifyou were to plan to root your android device i would recommend watching a video on howto root your android device. in my opinion i don't really want to root my android deviceas android has got features that you can do with a jailbroken iphone like installing launcherslike nova, action launcher, apex and etc.
anyway guys i hope you enjoyed this video,if you got any questions place them in the comments below and i will try my best to answerthem, but yeah guys i will see you in my next video and um yeah goodbye.