hi i'm mark spokesperson for lsm insurance a diagnosis of diabetes means many new challengesin your life, not the least of which is trying to obtain life insurance. the insurance companiescan choose not to insure you, based on your diagnosis or build in an extra premium basedon your health. it's important to work with a seasoned broker who has experience dealingwith diabetics. after all, getting insurance as a diabetic is difficult, but not impossible.knowing the following seven variables insurance companies will consider when determining ifyou qualify, could mean the difference between insured and uninsured: 1. if the insured is insulin dependent - allthings being equal, an insulin-dependent diabetic
will pay a higher premium than those who don'tdepend on insulin. insulin dependent diabetes is considered a chronic disease that usuallybegins in childhood, but it's not the most common form of diabetes. insulin dependentdiabetics account for only 5% of diabetics in north america. 2. the age when the insured was diagnosed- younger diabetics are usuallly underwritten more carefully than older diabetics. in fact,diabetics 50 and over with no other health issues can qualify for the same standard ratesas non-diabetics. 3. duration of diabetes - once diabetes isunder control you should work to obtain life insurance as soon as possible, since it canlead to other extraineous health issues that
can make it even more difficult to obtainlife insurance. 4. insulin control - readings over 9.9 onyour a1c hemoglobin test (the standard test for measuring insulin control) can spell problemswhen it comes to qualifying for life insurance. 5. renal damage - if you have renal damageas well, applying for insurance will be much more challenging. we can't stress enough howimportant it is to apply for life insurance as early into your diagnosis as possible. 6. height and weight - traditional insuranceis normally unavailable if you're diabetic and overweight. 7. the life insurance company - each lifeinsurance company has its own unique underwriting
criteria. it's crucial that your broker beaware of the guidelines from each carrier. it's also important to add a cover letterexplaining your medical history if you are a potential high-risk case. term and conditions can vary dramaticallyfrom company to company. for more details contact us at 1.866.899.4849.