hey guys what's going on this is lifeaccent in this video i'm going to show you guys how to root android phone 2016 #root easily it's very easy to root your android devices with child using your pc just goto this website it's called the king room are a king superuser the link willbe in the description down below and check it out and also make sure to download the kingof ap key and what version because we are in this case oh yeah just go aheadand download the kingsroad epic an aversion and then you want to install itok so make sure to enjoy it and you guys going to see that i have alreadyinstalled it and it's like a king go
roof right now yeah but before we go to their you needto go to setting and go to your about and tap on your build and build tomorrowok so it's seven time if you have not enable developers to the step that webuild a number and a seven-time and then you i devil for now yeah youwere up guys ok so let's go to develop robson andmake sure that usb debugging a checkup and also make sure that your developerup some is turn on ok and now you guys can go straight toback and now finally you guys can launch your kindle
once you have done that just need toprison that lock bottom and you guys are good to go and also make sure that you guys areconnected to your wi-fi network and make sure to have a good connection as wellso yeah so now it feel richard devices so much quickly itdepends on your internet connection how fast your internet connection daysok so it true which will be like mine like it's 60seconds for me so yeah i think so it will work for meso much good and yes it will fine you know
very good driver and download to yourmobile device and includes quickly and as you guys can see that the routeis means of seeded and finely congratulation guys you have alreadylose your android device you've read on the table now you guyscan check the qt would shake ur so as you guys can see these information hellothat and he doesn't see boom the yp six is rooted you guys canwork for any budget is ok make sure to check the compatibledevices as well so now even i have the superuser now i can tell it all of thesystem application as well with i really don't want to like you know i can tellyou , of my system application as well
but it's not recommended you for youguys so yeah guys just really help you then like and give a big thumbs up forthis video so yeah subscribe please remember so you guyshow you can hack wi-fi network using android devices so let's go to say kingand so it guys i'm not connected to any wi-fi right now so the wi-fi i didn't see that